Sunday, May 5, 2013

Leaving North America for Asia

Before going to the airport
to fly to Asia
I stop at the beach

in blouse and skirt for traveling
I am overdressed
everyone else in shorts
and bikinis
with roller skates
and skate boards
swooping down a street
to the beach
while I walk down concrete steps
shed my shoes and stockings
and go to stand
at the edge of the ocean

fishing lines drape from the pier
waves crash broken water up my legs
and retreat
splashing my skin
slipping sand from under my feet

surf boards arch over waves
beyond them
evening silhouettes Catalina Island

I gaze beyond the island
watch boats heading west
towards the horizon
sun sinking
into a darkening ocean
planes rising into sunset
as I will do within hours
venturing off the edge
of my known world.

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